Kale is Out and this New 2019 Superfood is In
A 2019 survey of more than 1300 registered dietitians asked them to rank their top ten “superfoods” for 2019, with surprising results.
A superfood is a food -- usually plant-based but sometimes also fish or dairy – which is extremely nutritionally dense and good for one’s health.
“If you’re consuming a diet rich in fermented foods, you’re essentially bathing your GI tract in healthy, food-related organisms”
The previous undisputed king of the superfood pantheon was kale, but “fermented foods” have now replaced it at the top of the 2019 list, largely because of the health benefits that the fermentation process provides. “If you’re consuming a diet rich in fermented foods, you’re essentially bathing your GI tract in healthy, food-related organisms,” Robert Hutkins, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor who focuses on the link between fermented foods and human health, said.
Fermented foods can help improve digestion with probiotics, boost your immunity, and decrease inflammation in the digestive system. Recent research has also showed links between the stomach microbiome and diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer’s, further bolstering the case for these good bacteria-rich foods.
Interested in exploring your options in the fermented foods world? Check out our list of recommendations here!