Detox your Household Cleaning Methods

Detox your Household Cleaning Methods

On our journey towards holistic health we have found it to be important to try to detox our living environment.  It may not be possible to eliminate every toxin but a simple place to start is in our homes where we spend so much time and likely have the most ability to make changes.

In this blog we provide you resources to easily replace some of those harsh toxic cleaning chemicals. Did you know that many of the products readily available in the U.S. have been widely banned in other countries?  “Most products on the market today are made with chemicals that were introduced several decades ago. Since then, scientists have found that many of these chemicals are linked to cancer, asthma, birth defects and fertility problems.”(per EWG)

One rule of thumb to follow is, whenever possible, eliminate and no longer purchase any products that list the word “Fragrance (parfum)” on the label.  “Fragrance” is not an ingredient, it’s a multitude of undisclosed chemicals that could include endocrine disruptors and other dangerous toxins.

According to a separate EWG press release: “Just 7 percent of cleaning products adequately disclosed their contents. To uncover what’s in common household cleaners, EWG’s staff scientists spent 14 months scouring product labels and digging through company websites and technical documents. EWG staff reviewed each ingredient against 15 U.S. and international toxicity databases and numerous scientific and medical journals.”


Instead of adding additional toxins to cover smells or “clean our house”, let’s clean and remove smells naturally! An added benefit is most of these will save you money.

Here are a few of our favorite home made, natural cleaning methods:


For wood cutting boards:

1 lemon cut in half

1 spoonful of sea salt.

Use half of a lemon to rub the sea salt on the surface in a circular motion.

Rinse with water and dry.


For blackened pans/baking sheets:

Pour a thick layer of baking soda onto the pan or over the black/burned stains.  Add a small amount of water just covering the baking soda- don’t mix it, let the baking soda stay thick coating the bottom of the pan or tray.  Heat on low, watch the pan but don’t stir.  Turn off before all the water evaporates after about 10-15 minutes.  Then remove the baking soda and water and EASILY scrub off the stains on the pan. (This works so well, you can get pans looking like new).


For general household cleaner:

1 cup of white plant based vinegar*

6 cups of water

1 teaspoon of dawn to make a kitchen degreaser.  Leave out the soap for floor cleaner.

This works wonders.  Plant based vinegar is naturally antimicrobial and the enzymes work great on build up of grime and soap scum.  Use this all around your kitchen and bathroom.  It’s fantastic to clean out a fridge or microwave because when it dries, it eliminates odors.  This is a great way to clean tile, glass and porcelain.  The one surface you should not use vinegar on is natural stone such as granite or marble.

Note: Cheap white vinegar may be petroleum based, not plant based.  These leave a residue and are likely less antimicrobial so we like to make sure to purchase a family owned, plant based product when possible.  They are pretty easy to find online or at your natural foods store.


Homemade scouring powder:

½ cup baking soda

½ cup washing soda

1-2 tablespoons diatomaceous earth (optional- helps polish)

1.5 teaspoons cream of tartar (optional- helps whiten)

Mix in a jar or spice shaker and use on interior of sinks and toilets, scrub well in a circular motion and rinse thoroughly. 
