Creating Sacred Spaces: Alden Stoner’s Guide to Community-Driven Healing

On this episode of Health Gig Podcast, Doro and Tricia welcome Alden Stoner, CEO of Nature Sacred. Alden discusses how her organization enhances urban and community spaces by creating natural environments that promote healing and well-being. She highlights Nature Sacred’s growth and the increasing community value placed on these serene, therapeutic spaces.

Alden explains how the organization collaborates with local leaders to design these spaces with community input and shares the impact through poignant entries from Bench Talk, a collection of visitor reflections. She also outlines Nature Sacred’s future goals and offers inspiration and practical steps for listeners interested in creating their own sacred spaces.

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“There’s so much more that connects us as humans than divides us. Our human experience is the same. We all love, we all laugh, we all cry.” - Alden Stoner

“Sacred isn’t about religion. It’s about that sacred human nature connection. After all, we are nature.” - Alden Stoner

“If you center things in gratitude, it really shifts your thinking and how you believe you’re living your life.” - Alden Stoner

Show Notes:

Health Gig Podcast welcomes Alden Stoner, CEO of Nature Sacred. Alden details her organization's mission to enhance urban and community spaces with dedicated natural spaces that foster healing and well-being. She celebrates Nature Sacred’s growth over the years, a testament that communities value sacred places: serene natural environments that provide therapeutic benefits.

Alden outlines how Nature Sacred partners with local leaders to design the spaces with community input at the forefront. She shares the impact of these spaces, reading from Bench Talk, a compilation of moving journal entries from visitors, as well as insights into the organization's future goals. Acting as a guide, Alden not only inspires listeners to establish sacred space in their own communities, but shares how to initiate the process.


  • Nature Sacred integrates nature into urban and community spaces to promote healing and well-being.

  • Even a few minutes in nature can have significant health benefits.

  • Nature Sacred’s shift from a grant-giving organization to an operating foundation has successfully addressed the growing need for therapeutic green spaces, a trend accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Nature Sacred’s approach of involving communities in the design and maintenance of green spaces ensures these areas are well-loved and effectively serve local needs.

  • Bench Talk captures personal stories from visitors, showcasing how sacred spaces can lead to transformative experiences for individuals.

  • There is a growing consensus on the importance of nature, leading to a focus on prioritizing the creation of sacred places rather than merely including green spaces.

  • Strong, committed volunteers, or "fire souls," are crucial for the success and maintenance of sacred spaces.


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