Fundamentals Of Modern Friendship: Insight From Anna Goldfarb

Doro sits down with Anna Goldfarb, a journalist, author, and motivational speaker, in this week's insightful episode centered on friendship. Anna shares her childhood experiences of navigating new environments and social structures, highlighting how they shaped her understanding of relationships. She details her journey with the concept of friendship from youth into adulthood, touching on the struggle to be authentic while finding a sense of belonging, and the joy she found in developing and maintaining close connections.

Anna also discusses her book “Modern Friendship: How to Nurture Our Most Valued Connections,” which was born from her feeling unable to adequately provide support to her friends during tough times. Throughout the conversation, she explores themes of resilience, vulnerability, and the transformative power of meaningful connections in navigating life's challenges. In this engaging dialogue, listeners gain insight into the intricacies of friendship dynamics and are empowered to enhance their own friendships.

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“The key to combating loneliness is to help other people with things that they care about because then they will keep you close.” - Anna Goldfarb

“Three to five close friends is optimal for midlife women. That's all you need. Just focus on a few people and you will get the health benefits of having wonderful close friendships.” - Anna Goldfarb

“As you get older, it becomes harder to renegotiate your friendships, but it's not impossible. Friendships are dynamic. They're not fixed.” - Anna Goldfarb

Show Notes:

In this conversation, Anna Goldfarb discusses the importance of friendship and the motivation behind writing a handbook on friendship. She explores the impact of the pandemic on friendships and the need for certainty in relationships. Anna also emphasizes the role of shared interests and clear communication in maintaining and deepening friendships. She provides insights on turning surface friendships into meaningful ones and the importance of vulnerability in relationships. Lastly, Anna discusses the process of renegotiating friendships and the need for open-mindedness and acceptance of rejection. 

In this conversation, Anna Goldfarb discusses various aspects of modern friendship. She highlights the churn and changing priorities in friendships, especially in the age of social media. Anna also provides insights on navigating political differences in friendships and emphasizes the importance of in-person conversations. She shares that having three to five close friends is optimal for midlife women. Anna suggests combating loneliness by helping others with things that are important to them. She also talks about her previous blog, the Smitten Kitten Relationship Blog, and the appeal of micro weddings. Lastly, Anna explains the two kinds of friendships: memorial friendships and active friendships.


  • Friendships require effort and clear communication to maintain and deepen.

  • Shared interests and activities can serve as a foundation for meaningful friendships.

  • Vulnerability is important in building trust and connection in friendships.

  • Renegotiating friendships is possible and can lead to new and fulfilling experiences.

  • The pandemic has highlighted the need for certainty and support in friendships. Friendships can experience churn and changing priorities, and it's important to be flexible and expect these changes.

  • Navigating political differences in friendships can be challenging, but focusing on the qualities you like about the person and having civil conversations can help maintain the friendship.

  • Having three to five close friends is optimal for midlife women, as these friendships provide the necessary support and well-being benefits.

  • Comparisons among friendships, especially on social media, can lead to negative emotions and feelings of loneliness. It's important to remember that friendships are not always social media-friendly and that real friendships require consistency, positivity, and vulnerability.

  • Loneliness can be combated by helping others with things that are important to them, as this creates a reciprocal and meaningful relationship.

  • Micro weddings can be appealing, especially for older brides, as they offer a more intimate and less stressful experience.

  • There are two kinds of friendships: memorial friendships, which have high affection but infrequent contact, and active friendships, which have high contact and are based on shared hobbies or passions.


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