Bjoern Woltermann Revolutionizing Health and Fitness: The Power of EMS Technology, Part 1

In this episode of Health Gig, we explore the incredible journey of Bjoern Woltermann, who harnessed the power of EMS (electro muscle stimulation) technology to overcome career-altering health issues. Discover how EMS tech, once used for rehab, now enhances performance and muscle development, even impressing Olympic athletes like Usain Bolt. Learn about the link between muscle mass and life expectancy, as well as the secrets of nutrition.

In a world filled with fitness gadgets and motivators, Bjoern Woltermann introduces us to a game-changing approach that goes beyond the surface, offering true results and improved well-being. Join us for this eye-opening episode as we unlock the potential of EMS technology and embrace a healthier future.

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Muscles allow your skeleton to move. So everything that you want to do in life, you need muscles to do those things. So the more muscles you have, the more you use them, and the stronger they are, the easier things are. - Bjoern Woltermann

When creating Katalyst, I thought, I can do this much better, and we can really use this technology to impact people's lives at a large scale, and that became a ten-year journey. - Bjoern Woltermann

We know the body absolutely runs on electricity. And what we know is when you are dehydrated, it doesn’t work as well. - Bjoern Woltermann

Show Notes:

Bjoern Woltermann: During my career, I had multiple forced career changes, I would say, and those were like health related. So I stopped playing volleyball with knee issues. And then I started ballroom dancing, which was less impactful. I was in the Air Force in Germany and on the path to become a pilot. And then they said, Your lower back is not going to do that because I have a disc issue.

Bjoern Woltermann: traveling between like 15 countries, I amassed something like 150 flights a year

Bjoern Woltermann: I was on painkillers about 20 days a month, and my physician said, you have to change your life and or you have to massively strengthen your core because otherwise you're going to end up with a herniated disc. And I was 35 at the time and that was another career change.

Bjoern Woltermann: What I really care about is helping people. Like it's always been my driver and there are different ways to do that.

Bjoern Woltermann: with my personal journey, I found a technology where I thought we can really impact people's lives from a health and wellness perspective or from a health span perspective. That's what I do. And my approach is I'm not from fitness, I'm not out of the industry and I'm not a physician. But I look at it from a human behavior perspective, like what really works and from a technology perspective, what can we do?

Bjoern Woltermann: EMS stands for electro muscle stimulation. So it's like stim technology. Many of you listeners might have used it in a rehab setup.

Bjoern Woltermann: if had an injury locally, I can trigger the muscle to contract and to work out and therefore to grow or not atrophy or like depending on what the situation is. And it has been used traditionally in a pure rehabilitation approach. And on 1 or 2 muscles or like a small muscle group in a local area. But now for about 60, 70 years. So it's been around for a long, long time.

Bjoern Woltermann: what happened was a few Russian scientists in the 60s and 70s said, Why are we waiting until I'm injured, Why I'm not using this to increase performance? And they use this with sprinters. And at the Olympic Games, once all of a sudden there were like Russian sprinters and everybody was like, Where are they coming from? Why are they fast? Like, why? Why is this like they have last year? I mean, we all watched probably Rocky for like Ivan Drago was wearing these kind of like what they used as a topic within this movie in the 80s.

Bjoern Woltermann: you can really fully activate your muscles because you're not having to lift like very, very heavy weights to do so. So you have the benefits of the workout without the negatives or the downsides.

Bjoern Woltermann: It was absolutely life changing already. My wife became a customer. She didn't have these issues, but she said like, Oh, everything is a bit nicer and everything is a bit firmer and feel good about it and like so and so forth. She had like very different goals, but it totally worked for her.

Bjoern Woltermann: America is inventing all this stuff. Like literally everything that is like new and fitness is inventing. And this was the unique exception where because it's been coming up through the ranks, like in Europe or especially in Germany and partially in Hungary, it has never come over to the US because they were so busy and I started investigating why that is.

Bjoern Woltermann: if you take grip strength of a person, it's the best predictor of your life expectancy.

Bjoern Woltermann: your muscle mass is giving your body a benefit. You can use it for many things. Body fat you can't like. It's just you're carrying it around.

Bjoern Woltermann: your hormonal balance changes massively with your body composition. So for example, if you have a good muscle mass, your testosterone levels are higher, both for men and women.

Bjoern Woltermann: When you have a lot of muscle mass, even though you're sleeping, you're using energy if you actually want to have and this is coming back to like sustainable behaviors. If you actually want to get into better shape and have a better body composition, forget about fat loss. That's not the goal. The goal is increase your healthy muscle mass, increase your healthy muscle, healthy bone mass.

Bjoern Woltermann: To date, I am 25 pounds heavier than when I started. Like, you know, my fitness journey ten years ago. I'm 25 pounds heavier. My body fat went from 16 to 10. It's just different composition.

Bjoern Woltermann: Sarcopenia is the phenomenon that as you age, your muscle mass reduces and your percentage of your body composition like reduce, it gets reduced. And if we think about it, it's the number one killer. It is not a heart attack. It's not cancer.

Bjoern Woltermann: have two, three eggs a day. Like it's the best food. By the way, what I'm always saying is like an egg has everything to make an animal out of it. Think about it. It has all the components.

Bjoern Woltermann: we have like Apple watches and aura rings and pelotons and like we have a million things and they are great and love it. You know, people love them. It's amazing. But it's the same 20% of the population using them that bought fitness products in the first place. What we are not seeing is we are not seeing a dent in CDC statistics. We're not seeing a dent in activity. We're not seeing an uptake in life expectancy, which is actually very concerning to me, like life expectancy in the United States is dropping.

Bjoern Woltermann: Everything that we've done in fitness technology in the last 20 years is motivators. We tell you you only have done 7000 steps and you said you wanted to do ten.

Bjoern Woltermann: We basically offer all the four benefits that an electro muscle stimulation system can offer, which is strength, development, speed, development, power development like speed.

Bjoern Woltermann: Usain Bolt has been using this through his whole career and that actually broke the whole thing. You can look up Usain Bolt and you find him like, you know, on selfies on it. And that absolutely broke the Internet in the early 10s because people were like, what?

Bjoern Woltermann: If you want a lasting change, build muscle, build cardiovascular capacity with interval training.


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