Embracing Health and Sustainability in Africa with Doro Bush Koch

Join us on this special edition of Health Gig as we welcome back co-host, Doro Bush Koch. Fresh from a life-changing journey to Botswana, Doro shares her remarkable stories of wildlife, nature, and local communities. Discover how Botswana's commitment to eco-tourism is protecting their wildlife and natural resources, fostering sustainability, and boosting their local economy. Dive into thrilling safari encounters, learn about the intricate dynamics of animal behaviors, and the harmonious balance in the African wilderness. Through Doro's lens, we explore the intricate connections between our health, nature, and the well-being of our planet.

See more photos from Doro’s trip below!

More on doro bush koch

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“We did safari by boat and lo and behold, coming down one of the bluffs was a big elephant, kind of loping down the hill, which is fun to watch. And then they just kept coming to the point where someone counted over 75 elephants.” -Doro Bush Koch

“Africa is probably the most hospitable place. They not only welcomed us, but they had a sense of joy with each other. It was a joy for me and for all of us to experience that.” -Doro Bush Koch

“When I first came across a herd of zebra, they looked perfect. Their stripes, their manes are perfectly cut like a mohawk style. I mean, you never tire of seeing these creatures that are so big and amazing.” -Doro Bush Koch

Show Notes:

Doro: The way we take care of ourselves is ever evolving. And what we know for sure is that our mind and spirit are linked to our physical body and that our wellness seems to extend into our communities and the planet we all share. It is very, very clear that wellness is interconnected.

Doro: We stayed in five different lodges in several national parks.

Doro: We were greeted often with singing and laughing and joking and not just with us, but among themselves. If you were to observe them talking to one another, there's just a lot of joy there. So it's really a happy place.

Doro: You get a real sense of how every being is on this planet for a purpose and that we are all interconnected. What impressed me so much about what's going on in Africa now with ecotourism is that Africans are looking to protect their natural resources for future generations, and at the same time, the local community is benefiting from this, protecting the wildlife and sustainable ecotourism.

Doro: There's so much money in things like big game hunting or poaching brings in huge amounts of money, but things are beginning to really lean towards protection and that's a good thing.

Doro: Someone counted over 75 elephants right there on the shoreline and some of the teenage elephants, you could tell sort of by size were swimming and literally went under the water.

Doro: When I first came across a herd of zebra, I was fascinated because they are the most beautiful animal. They're the state animal of Botswana.

Doro: The guides in Botswana go to a place called Maun, which is a town near where we were, and they go be trained for a year and they're trained in everything

Doro: One of the things that we got in our room is a checklist. It was fun because it was a very detailed little booklet and you could go in and the guides who knew everything, every lizard name, every snake name, everything could tell you the Latin name and the English name, and we'd go through and check off and do things.

Doro: The food was great. Bobby lost weight on the trip. He was so excited. Because we ate three healthy meals a day.

Doro: What struck me is how important tourism is to Africa and the opportunities and the development that it creates for the local communities because it creates jobs and it strengthens the local economy and it contributes to infrastructure and development, and it can help conserve the natural environment, which is so important.


TriciaReillyKoch, DoroBushKoch, HealthGig, Longevity, Wellness, PhysicalHealth, MentalHealth, Health, Creativity, HealthWellBeing, africa


#TriciaReillyKoch, #DoroBushKoch, #HealthGig, #Longevity, #Wellness, #PhysicalHealth, #MentalHealth, #Health, #HealthWellBeing, #africa