From Earth to Spirit: Embracing Life's Elements with Dr. Jennifer Freed

Join hosts Doro and Tricia in an enlightening podcast episode featuring Dr. Jennifer Freed, psychological astrologer and author. Explore the elements that shape your personality and learn to embrace both strengths and weaknesses. Dr. Freed's insights inspire self-discovery and improved relationships.

Discover Dr. Freed's Relationship Check In Tool and Astrology Oracle Deck, empowering you to enhance your connections and intuition. Her latest book, A Map to Your Soul, offers pragmatic exercises for various subjects, including communication approaches, artistic expression, spiritual growth, and well-being routines. Uncover a transformative journey to authenticity with Dr. Freed's wisdom and practical tools.

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“I was born in 1958. I had the benefit of two parents that said to me that I could do anything I wanted to do. That wasn't so typical.” - Dr. Jennifer Freed

“People cannot give up their power to another human being. We all need to have agency for ourselves, even if we have reverence for others.” - Dr. Jennifer Freed

“Life is not done to us. I always coach people to tell their stories with themselves as the creators of what happens.” - Dr. Jennifer Freed

Show Notes:

DR. JENNIFER FREED: The Astrology Oracle deck is a great tool just to build your intuition. So all of us want to be more intuitive because we want to trust ourselves. We want to feel very clear in our decision making, and we want to always feel, at least I do, that my decisions come from a more humble, devoted place than an ego kind of what's in it for me place. So the deck is a way to just work with your intuition. You pick a card based on the moment you say a question, like, what about me going to Bali to do a retreat? And you pick a card and it's going to give you some options to think about, and then you really reflect on those options and think, which is the best option for me. As we started this interview, nobody's going to tell you anything that you don't already know, but it's good for you to decide from your deepest, wisest place. So that's what the Astrology Deck’s for. The Cosmic Parenting deck that's coming out in March is actually a tool to get to know your children and your parenting style much, much better.

DORO BUSH KOCH: So you randomly think of something, some question, and then you pick a card and it helps you to to sort of think it through?

DR. JENNIFER FREED: Yes, you pick a card and it helps you zero in on what you really want to do about that question. It doesn't tell you what to do. It gives you options and then you really get to go, huh? So for example, if I was wondering about getting into a business enterprise with a friend, and I pull a card and it gives me three options. One is forget that option. This is a horrible idea. You'll do it horribly. The next option is this is a very sound possibility for you. You can make the best of it. And the third option is let this be a devotional connection between you and this opportunity and see what comes of it. It just gives you ideas on how to approach it.

DORO BUSH KOCH: Um, that makes a lot of sense to me. So is there anything else that you that I've left off that you want our listeners to know? And, um, before we we end this amazing interview.

DR. JENNIFER FREED: Well, first of all, I'm filled with gratitude that you and Tricia invited me to Gasparilla. And then I met incredible people there that I stayed some in contact with. Good. But more than that. Yeah, but more than that, I, I I'm all about this as a woman who's 65, turning 66 this month. My biggest. Motivation right now is to elevate women of a certain age, because I believe age is not a determinant, it's just a number. And aliveness is not measured by age or by looks. So I want to be a stand for every single woman of a certain age, to realize she can be fully alive and in that aliveness, give so much to herself and her loved people and her community and the final thought is friendship, like you and Tricia have, is extraordinary. When you can find a friend that you love and you can work with. This is life's gold. Because friendship is exquisite and then meaningful work together is beyond wonderful. And so I want to thank you, two, for finding each other and creating this together.


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