Rewild Yourself: How to Alchemize Your Connection to Nature with Holly Copeland, Pt. 1

Tricia and Doro welcome Holly Copeland, a health practitioner and the originator of the "rewilding" method for healing and reconnecting with nature. Holly shares her journey that led her from an early passion for nature to a fulfilling career as an environmentalist spanning two decades. Despite achieving her dream job, pressure from mounting burnout and a personal health crisis prompted her to step back from conservation work and embark on an introspective path. Through this journey, Holly realized that healing her own heart was crucial for making a meaningful impact on the world.

This pivotal realization inspired Holly to establish HeartMind Alchemy, where she now guides others in finding inner peace and resilience amidst today's global challenges. In this conversation, she talks about drawing from spiritual teachings and the value of implementing practices like meditation and breathwork. She underscores the importance of turning personal pain into love and compassion, asserting that fostering joy in the midst of chaos is essential for sparking positive change in a world often beset by despair and disconnection. Holly invites listeners to join her in breaking down barriers between humanity and nature, fostering a profound sense of wholeness and alignment with the world around us.

This is the first of a two-part episode.

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“We all have an energetic field that extends beyond the body because we are energy, and that energetic field contains information.” - Holly Copeland

“The teachers I worked with taught me that if you can learn to stay centered in your heart space, you can shift your perception.” - Holly Copeland

“Re-wilding is an inner process of getting back in touch with our wild soulful self. Then we get to be this beautiful expression of whoever we’re here to be in the world.” - Holly Copeland

Show Notes:

Holly Copeland shares her journey of rewilding, which involves reconnecting with our wild, soulful selves and finding our inner truth and beauty. She emphasizes the importance of meditation, breathwork, and deep inner work in this process. Through rewilding, Holly has shifted from feeling overwhelmed and guilty about the state of the world to feeling empowered to help and make a positive impact. She believes that living in joy and abundance is possible, even in the midst of global challenges, and that it starts with reclaiming our belonging as humans and aligning with the flow of life.

The conversation explores the concept of consciousness and the shift from a materialist paradigm to a quantum worldview. It discusses the idea that everything is consciousness and the importance of living from a heart-centered place. She also touches on the process of rewiring the brain through meditation and the use of tuning forks for healing. The concept of enlightenment is explored as the end of resistance to what is and the acceptance of the present moment. In this final part of the conversation, Holly Copeland discusses her work with plant medicine and her upcoming book. She emphasizes the importance of finding reputable places and teachers when working with plant medicine. Holly also shares her plans for the future, including offering retreats and collaborations.


  • Rewilding is an inner process of reconnecting with our wild, soulful selves and finding our inner truth and beauty.

  • Meditation, breathwork, and deep inner work are powerful tools in the rewilding journey.

  • Through rewilding, we can shift from feeling overwhelmed and guilty to feeling empowered to make a positive impact.

  • Living in joy and abundance is possible, even in the face of global challenges, by reclaiming our belonging as humans and aligning with the flow of life. Consciousness is not limited to the brain; everything is consciousness.

  • Living from a heart-centered place can lead to a greater sense of connectedness and the ability to create the life we want.

  • Meditation can rewire the brain and shift our perception, leading to a more joyful and well state.

  • Tuning forks can be used to work with the energetic field and promote healing.

  • Enlightenment is the end of resistance to what is and the acceptance of the present moment. Working with plant medicine can be a transformative and powerful experience, but it's important to find reputable places and teachers.


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