The Healing Power Within: A Journey with Ryan Haddon

Join hosts Doro and Tricia in an enlightening conversation with their special guest, Ryan Haddon, on this episode of Health Gig. In this thought-provoking discussion, Ryan shares her incredible journey, offering a unique perspective on health and well-being. Together, they explore the importance of tapping into one's inner wisdom, advocating for personal health, and embracing the aging process with self-love.

Ryan delves into the world of energy work, breathwork, and meditation, highlighting the profound impact they can have on our lives. The episode emphasizes the significance of trusting the journey, surrendering to the unknown, and embracing the ever-evolving self. Discover the healing power that resides within each of us and learn how to navigate the path towards holistic wellness in this engaging and insightful conversation with Ryan Haddon on Health Gig.

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We must unlearn things we've been told that are okay when actually they aren't. But it's a journey, and everyone's on a different spectrum with it. - Ryan Haddon

Your inner child is creating havoc right now because she feels like she's not being seen. She's not being heard. And that's a big part of my practice, connecting with your inner child. What does she need? What's her voice? - Ryan Haddon

When I understood that Botox and fillers are neurotoxins, I was like, I can't unring that bell. Now I know that if I willingly do that, that's not self-love. - Ryan Haddon

Show Notes:

RYAN HADDON: I live on a farm in Pennsylvania. I moved here from Los Angeles about ten, 11 years ago. My husband wanted to restore an old farmhouse. So that's what we did. And it's been a beautiful and profound experience to just settle, settle the nervous system and really take time to expand in other ways.

RYAN HADDON: you can get lost and caught up in it, which I did for a period of time, and it led me down kind of a darker path of addiction. And I got sober in 2003. So I'm just coming up on my 20 years of recovery in sobriety. So that's sort of the foundation. That said, I've been on a spiritual path since I was 17.

RYAN HADDON: I went to live in an ashram in India for several years. At 17, I was a seeker. That's what they call it. I've always been questioning. I've always wanted to know the meaning of life and the deeper connection that way, which sort of led me down.

RYAN HADDON: While I was in India, I met a few others also that are in a state of love and in a state of you can't fake that. It either is or it isn't.

RYAN HADDON: It's been so important to me in the wellness space to make sure that I'm in integrity myself with what I practice and what I work with my clients.

RYAN HADDON: I just recently became certified as a breathwork facilitator because I'm always going to be adding modalities to be able to serve others first myself and then others.

RYAN HADDON: I think I had a very short period of addiction that was very intense. But I think the grace of the practices that I had done, the grace of the teacher that I had studied with all of that helped me come to the point of resistance. The surrender happened a little faster. So I'm so grateful because I sit around other people talking about years and years and years of going through that and so much compassion because it's a very twisty, winding road. But I will say that when I was ready to be done with that, I was able to experience a very practical spirituality that I could bring into my day to day.

RYAN HADDON: show me a practical man and I'll show you a spiritual man. God is in making your bed. And I loved that, that it could just be in the simple things. And I have used that so much with raising children.

RYAN HADDON: There can be a tremendous ego on the spiritual path, like I'm doing X amount of meditation, this amount of breathwork, all those things, that's beautiful and wonderful, but how are you accessing that throughout the day when you're triggered? Because it's going to happen.

RYAN HADDON: I love working with the subconscious mind, and that's where I really saw my healing accelerate because I had done all the studies, I had read all the books, I had gone to the retreats, understanding the power of our subconscious.

RYAN HADDON: those repetitive sentences, phrases, that's the subconscious, that's your programing. It gives you a key into that. And then it's very simple to come up with the opposite. I am enough. There is enough letting everyone off the hook. I can focus on me and then you can work those things in, not so much in beta, which is what we're talking and now this output, but when you can just drop in through a few deep breaths and access that alpha brainwave state, then you're able to really upload new ideas into the subconscious.

RYAN HADDON: In hypnosis, we relax the mind, the conscious mind, we relax the body Most times that's how I work. There's all different types of hypnosis that people do.

RYAN HADDON: A good hypnotist is able to gain that trust, to be able to feel that connection with that person, be able to understand what the programing is, and then drops them into this state where they're able to receive a new idea around something, a new way of looking at something, a new way of showing up, a new way of being and able to take away the wiring that's been wired a certain way that's really not for the highest good.

RYAN HADDON: Most people come to me is that they're feeling like they've done everything they can possibly do and they're still butting up against programing. They're still butting up against limiting beliefs about themselves. That's really my wheelhouse.

RYAN HADDON: The breathwork that I studied is called rebirthing and it's very gentle and it's very natural to the body's rhythm. Basically what's happening is you're putting yourself into an alpha state through this breath, through this patterning, and the body starts to breathe itself and the mind starts to just allow again in and out of states.

RYAN HADDON: We're trying to understand the world we're in. So we're categorizing, we're absorbing. That's what theta is. We're absorbing the world around us to understand it.

RYAN HADDON: You find a lot of people have picked up a lot of things in their environment that aren't favorable from 0 to 7 years old, whether they had a bumpy childhood, whether they had parents who didn't have tools to say it in the kindest, gentlest way, or just their understanding of what happened, it doesn't even have to be. Something traumatic. It could be their understanding of something got categorized a certain way. So it really behooves all of us to kind of take a look at that time because that's the blueprint we're working off of, right? When we talk about being triggered, what that means is something's happening in real time.

RYAN HADDON: We're just this incredible puzzle. When you start to understand who's in play, you can speak to that aspect of yourself. This is when the real work begins.

RYAN HADDON: Your inner child, well, she's creating havoc right now because she feels like she's not being seen. She's not being heard. And that's a big part of my practice where I'm like, Let's connect with her from here on out. What does she need? What's her voice? Because she can't be showing up at inappropriate times like the ego.

RYAN HADDON: We have a higher self. And so just as the inner child is in the past, we have the higher self in the future. The part of us that knows time is just a figment of our imagination.

RYAN HADDON: I absolutely love healing the body, so I have a lot of things that I do. I do iasonas, I do PMF mats, I do stem cell stickers. I use Healy, which is Microcurrent frequency. I do red light therapy. Those are just fun. Again, we're talking about fun. These are enjoyable, beautiful ways to heal. I had an autoimmune disorder, so that took it to another level for me to understand why my body was attacking itself in some ways. So those things I enjoy doing and I expose my kids to them.

RYAN HADDON: I think it's important to push back on all the pollutants and all the often times recommendations and to come up with your own path forward.

RYAN HADDON: This is about self love and self-acceptance and accepting ourselves.

RYAN HADDON: I'm turning 53 and I feel like I look and feel and sound and just more the most resonant version of myself that I ever was. But it's been a journey to get there and I have bought into all the all the other things. At varying times it's a struggle.

RYAN HADDON: When I understood that Botox and fillers are neurotoxin, I was like, I can't unring that bell. Now I know now if I go willingly and do that, that's not self-love.

RYAN HADDON: I feel like I've saved a few marriages by just getting back to taking care of our own needs and wants and these expectations that society is also created of what a relationship should do for you. And it's really just a piece of your life. It's a part of your life.

RYAN HADDON: I've just created this other package that I do with people where it's a really I'm going to give you everything I've learned over 30 years. And it's the one I'm most excited about working with because I'm going to give you how to use, depending how to do this, how to meditate, all different types of meditation, emotional freedom, technique, hypnosis, breathwork, all the modalities that I have. And the coaching obviously.

RYAN HADDON: All my clients are global. I have clients in Saudi Arabia, I have clients in Australia, I have London, Paris. It's global.

RYAN HADDON: I find when we upgrade, people just kind of fall away. You don't have to work out so hard. You just keep upleveling your frequency, just keep doing things that bring you joy and those people that are making noise in your life, you'll have less tolerance for it. You don't have to worry about setting boundaries.

RYAN HADDON: I think a good healer should know when to pull back. There's been times for me where I felt like it was a little more dry or I felt like a little less excited about the path. And I just don't go out there. I won't do podcasts and I won't do TV appearances. I don't want to be a talking head. We don't need another person like that in the space. I'm just following the joy. And if it serves and if I still enjoy being of service in this way, I'll do it for as long as I can, you know, God is my employer.


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