Lynnda Pollio on Consciousness and Listening

This episode of Health Gig we are joined by author and Consciousness Doula Lynnda Pollio. We discuss listening to voices other than our own, including Lynnda’s journey to finding the main character of her book Trusting the Currents. Listen in and learn about moving into and listening to your heart! 

More on Lynnda Pollio:


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“Becoming more conscious usually means that you move into your heart more.” Lynnda Pollio

“When your mindset changes, you're able to communicate to people differently, and you're able to see things differently.” Lynnda Pollio

“The heart is a much larger energetic field than your mind is, and it's much more powerful.” Lynnda Pollio

Show Notes:

[05:36] I've always been highly conscious. As a child, I was one of those weird children that saw things and heard things and communicated with insects and always had sort of an unusual perspective about life.

[07:11] When I saw those Red Rock Mountains, I literally felt them embracing me, saying “Welcome home.”

[07:56] I went back to New York after the five months, and I knew at that point that I couldn't go back to my normal life, that I had to be part of bringing an expanded level of consciousness to the planet

[09:50] I also began a very deep study into spiritual disciplines wellness, energetic practices, shamanism.

[11:00] When I first became the world's first chief conscious officer, I was working for a large global marketing consultancy.

[13:58] All of us are emoting frequencies, you know, everything is a frequency.

[18:13] It's really hard to care about someone else if you don't truly care about yourself.

[19:18] You pushed it into you because you had to survive.

[19:57] We are very externally focused right now with all the technology, and it pulls you out and we keep looking for solutions on the outside.

[21:14] How boring would it be if we were all the same?

[22:15] Being in business development, I had to be communicating to all different types of people.

[24:26] It was a level of suffering that I never expected to have in my life, and it helped me understand humans a lot better.

[25:07] If you allow yourself to go into the suffering and you accept it, what happens is it brings you into unknown parts of yourself, and that will scare you.

[27:07] It helped me understand the person, and it helped me also to become way more compassionate.

[29:00] Women are the answer, and we really have to find ways of helping women overcome their own social conditionings.

[33:20] Our belief systems are so ingrained in us that we don't realize that they're just belief systems.

[36:02] Shame is inherent in our system.

[40:03] He was willing to share his heart, even though everything else about him was telling him something else.

[41:18] I was very prescient about knowing that we were going to be going through some major shift in our world.

[45:18] I think many people don't want to talk. They don't want to seem vulnerable. They don't want to seem weak.


TriciaReillyKoch, DoroBushKoch, HealthGig, LynndaPollio, Wellness, PhysicalHealth, MentalHealth, Health, Routine, HealthCare, Consciousness, Listening, ConsciousnessDoula