Stop Wasting time with dating coach and author: Michelle Jacoby, Part 2

This episode of Health Gig features the second of a two-part interview with Dating Coach, Author and Matchmaker Michelle Jacoby. We discuss the challenges of online dating, how to date when you can’t be in-person, being safe and opening your heart. We also dive into her book, “Never Waste Time On the Wrong Man Again.” Stop wasting time and listen in!

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“Why on earth would you invest your time in someone who doesn't realize how freakin awesome you are?” Michelle Jacoby

“If somebody says they're not interested, please don't think that means anything. It just means that you're not exactly what they're looking for.” Michelle Jacoby

“Create a life that you love, before you decide to share it with someone.” Michelle Jacoby

Show Notes:
Michelle Jacoby: You don't have to know if you like them, but just show enthusiasm. It makes people feel so good.

Michelle Jacoby: I think it's really important to empathize with the person you're meeting and understand that that person is perhaps nervous.

Michelle Jacoby: A state of mind really matters when you're going into a date.

Michelle Jacoby: I do think you should be authentic, but I think you should water the feminine seeds and have fun with it and be playful.

Michelle Jacoby: If they want to hold the door, oh my God, say “Thank you, that’s so nice”.

Michelle Jacoby: What I tell my clients is make sure he knows if you're having a really good time and he tells a funny joke, touch his arm or break the touch barrier or give him compliments.

Michelle Jacoby: In today's dating world, people do date two or three or four people at a time.

Michelle Jacoby: As someone starts to really stand out to you, as you start to develop a real connection with someone, then it's time to focus on that one person.

Michelle Jacoby: If I've been dating someone for three months and he's still looking for someone better and he's already had two or three months to get to know me, why would I keep on? 

Michelle Jacoby: don't spend so much time trying to figure out (based on what someone wrote) if he's terrific. Some guys who are not terrific are just good writers, some really good guys just threw three sentences down.

Michelle Jacoby: I just feel like you should meet people, and I think it's smart to set up a phone call first.

Michelle Jacoby: When you're on a Zoom date, you can't expect the same kind of chemistry and connection. I think it's just a way to get to know someone and then have an in-person date.

Michelle Jacoby: If you're having a very bad time, if there's an issue, if you're uncomfortable, just get the heck out of there.

Michelle Jacoby: I don't think you should ever be out with someone and not know if you're on a date.

Michelle Jacoby: You should have a maximum of two drinks on a first, second or third date, like for the first three dates when you're just getting started and getting to know someone.

Michelle Jacoby: Before the date, I think it's important for someone who loves you or that you know, to know where you are and know who you're with.

Michelle Jacoby: If you're on a date and you don't feel entirely safe or comfortable, you don't have to let someone walk you to your car.

Tricia Reilly Koch: As the women are older, the 50, 60 year olds, they've got the radar up that they don't want to be the nurse or the purse.

Michelle Jacoby: I think a lot of people are having sex - men, women, everybody - too soon.

Michelle Jacoby: I think activity dates are fun. Playing golf, playing tennis, going kayaking. I have clients who've done all of these things and had a blast. 

Doro Bush Koch: I would highly recommend Never Waste Time On The Wrong Man Again and I can see how it can benefit both men and women.

Michelle Jacoby: I wrote this book because I want to change women's lives and I want women to be in healthy, happy relationships.


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