Transforming Leadership with Brett Weinroth and Jeff Benton- Founders, Paragon Performance Evolution

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Brett Weinroth and Jeff Benton founded Paragon Performance Evolution to empower the world’s elite performers. Their clients range from executives, athletes, and leaders who seek to access and evolve their highest potential in all spheres of life. Brett and Jeff have found that to be more effective as a leader, it starts from within. They find that many leaders are overwhelmed with information, and the result is an alarming increase in stress levels, inefficiencies at work, and compromised relationships, manifested as rising levels of burn-out, anxiety, and depression. The solution to this is Paragon, which allows for transformation, integration and greater awareness. Brett and Jeff are change makers who want to help make the world a better place by helping our leaders be better internally and externally. We are thrilled to welcome them to Health Gig, and excited to partner with them to introduce Health Gig’s Powered by Paragon series.

More on Brett and Jeff:




LinkedIn: › jeff-benton-51240a4

Books Mentioned:

The Alchemist 

The Power of Now


Learn more about BB&R and Achieving Optimal Health Conference by visiting

Show Notes

  • [2:41] And I think that when I got to that point and I had the jobs I always dreamed of and I continue to progress, I continually had an increased sense of the imposter syndrome. And I was being driven by fear, anxiety, a little bit of anger. 

  • [3:22] I went on my own journey and really traveled the world and met with brain scientists and took a much more spiritual route meeting with monks and shamans. And I realized after a few years of actually focusing more on the internal process, I was happier than ever. Health problems went away. I ended up having deeper relationships with family and friends that I've known for 20 years that had deeper relationships in the last few years. And what I realized was, if I could have that transformation from the fear, the anxiety, the imposter syndrome to going into a state of gratitude, really operating more from a place of love than fear, that anybody could do it. 

  • [4:56] If we could shift the consciousness of these CEOs and high performers, they had so much impact on so many other people that it was one way that we could really contribute to the world in a much more positive way. 

  • [5:56] So as I kept sort of evolving, there was this sense that I didn't deserve it or that I was fooling the world. 

  • [6:43] I was so scared of the unknown. And I think with this internal journey, it's really forced me to understand who I am at a deeper level and what my values are.

  • [9:11] If we can play a role in helping these company leaders find programs and solutions to do that, we feel like we're making a really big difference in their lives.

  • [9:45] It's more than just checking the boxes around the leadership stuff. Our resources really want to create transformational change. And they've been doing at a global level. You know, it's around conflict resolution, communication, innovation, mindfulness, creativity. That's been sort of unique to our business model.

  • [10:26] For leaders, particularly in today's world, where there's a lot of confusion, there's a lot of uncertainty, and CEOs, business owners, senior executives who maybe in the past thought they had all the answers, are now facing a time and a place where they're searching for those answers, and people are looking to them for answers.

  • [12:05] The more you can sort of decompress that culture and get people into their hearts, I mean, not only is it probably the right thing to do from a personal standpoint, but it frees up energy for people to actually perform at a higher level. 

  • [18:47] High performance is a really nice word for increased consciousness and awareness. 

  • [21:08] Heartmath really teaches us how to change our heart rhythm patterns that then allows for us to create something called physical coherence. This physical coherence is literally a scientifically measurable state characterized by like increased order and harmony in the mind with our emotions and our body. 

  • [21:32] When we enter into this state of coherence, science is showing us that others around us start to match our level of this coherent state.

  • [26:52] We all are our own leaders and our own creators.

  • [28:16] The human nature in all of us is that we want to operate in a more truthful, loving level. 

  • [28:56] We're in an incredible moment in time where mindfulness has become even more mainstream than it's ever been. 

  • [31:22] We're putting dollars above everything, including people. And I think we're headed towards not a good path that way. 

  • [33:26] So much of our pain and our stress and our challenges are tied to us thinking about the past or the future. 

  • [35:18] In each moment we have the opportunity to kind of rise above and be our higher self. 

    Thank you for joining us on Health Gig. We loved having you with us. We hope you'll tune in again next week. In the meantime, be sure to like and subscribe to this podcast, and follow us on

“High performance is a really nice word for increased consciousness and awareness.” - Jeff Benton

“For leaders, particularly in today's world, where there's a lot of confusion, there's a lot of uncertainty, and CEOs, business owners, senior executives who maybe in the past thought they had all the answers, are now facing a time and a place where they're searching for those answers, and people are looking to them for answers.”- Brett Weinroth 

“So much of our pain and our stress and our challenges are tied to us thinking about the past or the future…[but] in that present moment, in that stillness, truly all is possible.” - Jeff Benton


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