Ten Thousand Black Vegan Women with Tracye McQuirter- Author, Public Health Nutritionist, and Vegan
Tracye McQuirter is an author, public health nutritionist who's been teaching people how and why to live a healthy vegan lifestyle for the past 30 years. She is the author of the books “By Any Greens Necessary” and “Ageless Vegan”. Tracye is a vegan trailblazer who became a vegan over 30 years ago. This October, Tracye is kickstarting her own 10,000 Black Vegan Women series that will include a free online 21-day vegan fresh start, with cooking videos, meal plans, recipes, nutrition tips and more. To learn more about the initiative, visit https://byanygreensnecessary.com/10000.
More on Tracye:
Website: https://byanygreensnecessary.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/byanygreens?lang=en
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com › tracyemcquirter
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/byanygreens/?hl=en
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYeCIvEHqwfPk1kFl5E2zvg
Books Mentioned:
Learn more about BB&R and Achieving Optimal Health Conference by visiting BBRconsulting.us
Show Notes
[1:54] He traced the path of a hamburger from a cow on a factory farm, through the slaughterhouse, to a fast food restaurant, to a clogged artery, to a heart attack.
[3:30] Plant based does not necessarily mean plant exclusive.
[5:41] The more people who eat plant based foods, the fewer farmed animals that are fed soy and corn and wheat and other grains that are fed to animals. If those foods were given to people and people could consume them, we would decrease world hunger.
[6:02] A lot of people believe that being vegan means being restricted. But I feel exactly the opposite. I don't feel deprived. I actually feel more free.
[6:31] I wrote that in 2010, and that was the first vegan diet book for black women and helped thousands of women go vegan.
[7:10] People who have pre-existing conditions are experiencing the worst outcomes from this pandemic, and black women experience the worst health outcomes for these reasons.
[9:13] I have yet to meet a woman who doesn't want to raise healthy children.
[9:44] You can't boost immunity for the short term. Your immunity is based on how you regularly eat. It's cumulative.
[10:58] Make the decision that you are going to go vegan. And if that takes you a month, if that takes you six months, if that takes you a year, it's OK. It's not a race. It's not a comparison. It's your journey.
[11:50] What can you substitute? Start there as opposed to starting something completely new, starting with what you already know how to do and just add vegan substitutions.
[12:13] All plant foods have protein in them in varying amounts.
[12:50] And what the research has shown is that most people, whether they're omnivore, vegan or vegetarian, get 70 percent more protein than the recommended daily allowance.
[13:56] The categories that actually have changed are the omnivore category. So now you can be pescatarian or flexitarian, reducetarian. And that all says to me that people are wanting to go more towards a plant based diet.
[16:44] I'm the youngest of three daughters and we were confident about ourselves and our stances. My mother definitely planted that seed in me and my sisters as well.
[17:04] There's so many online community, so many veg groups, meetup groups in local communities, that you really don't have to go it alone.
[17:52] What I'm really trying to do is change the health paradigm of black women. That's a monumental task, but a very doable one.
Thank you for joining us on Health Gig. We loved having you with us. We hope you'll tune in again next week. In the meantime, be sure to like and subscribe to this podcast, and follow us on healthgigpod.com.
“What I'm really trying to do is change the health paradigm of black women. That's a monumental task, but a very doable one.” - Tracye McQuirter
“A lot of people believe that being vegan means being restricted. But I feel exactly the opposite. I don't feel deprived. I actually feel more free.” - Tracye McQuirter
“Make the decision that you are going to go vegan. And if that takes you a month, if that takes you six months, if that takes you a year, it's OK. It's not a race. It's not a comparison. It's your journey.” - Tracye McQuirter
#TracyeMcQuirter #ByAnyGreensNecessary #AgelessVegan #TenThousandBlackVeganWomen #Vegan #PlantBased #Diet #Nutrition #Vegetarian #Omnivore #Recipes #Immunity #EnvironmentallyFriendly #DickGregory #Health #Wellness #HealthGig #Pandemic #COVID19 #TriciaReillyKoch #DoroBushKoch #MentalHealth #BBRWellness #AchievingOptimalHealthConference