Ep. 152: Anne Mahlum, Founder and Executive Chairwoman of Solidcore
PodcastadminTriciaReillyKoch, DoroBushKoch, DrPaulConti, Trauma, Recovery, Wellness, HealthGig, MentalHealth, PersonalGrowth, Understanding, Health, PhysicalHealth, Doctor, Shame, Thinking, Power, OpeningUp, Learning, Detection, COVID19, Pandemic
Ep 151. Acknowledging and Dealing With Trauma with Author and Psychiatrist Dr. Paul Conti
PodcastadminTriciaReillyKoch, DoroBushKoch, DrPaulConti, Trauma, Recovery, Wellness, HealthGig, MentalHealth, PersonalGrowth, Understanding, Health, PhysicalHealth, Doctor, Shame, Thinking, Power, OpeningUp, Learning, Detection, COVID19, Pandemic
Ep. 118: Recognizing and Regulating Stress with Ed Morales- Gilbert, Arizona Police Department Peer Support and Wellness Manager
PodcastadminEdMorales, GilbertPoliceDepartment, MarineCorps, PoliceOffice, Stress, HeartMath MartialArts, TherapyDog, Meditation, StressManagement, BehavioralTherapy BehavioralTraining, Physicality, Spirituality, Beliefs, Emotions, Trauma, PTSD, Health, Wellness, HealthGig Pandemic, COVID19, TriciaReillyKoch, DoroBushKoch, ParagonPerformanceEvolution
Ep. 82: Growing from Trauma with Michael Lovell- Educator, Engineer, and President of Marquette University
PodcastadminPodcast, Health, Wellness, HealthGig, Kindness, Generosity, Mindfulness, Meditation, Breathing, Breath, COVID19, Michael Lovell, PresidentMichaelLovell, MarquetteUniveristy, Marquette, ScalingWellnessInMilwaukee, Milwaukee, Trauma, Tiggers, Triggering, GenerationalTrauma, Biology, Predispose, Predisposition, Exercise, Prayer, Leading, Teaching, Gratitude, Pandemic, TriciaReillyKoch, DoroBushKoch, MentalHealth, Support, SupportSystems, Adapt, ACE, ACEScore, MentalIllness
Ep. 78: Caring for Our Children is Caring for Ourselves with Dr. Kurt Newman- Surgeon, Author, and President and CEO of Children’s National Hospital
Podcastadminbalance, COVID19, PhysicalHealth, DrNewman, DrKurtNewman, ChildrensNational, ChildrensNationalHospital, ChildrensMiracleNetworkHospitals, CMNH, Pediatrics, PediatricSurgery, Surgery, Medicine, Children, Parents, Health, Wellness, HealthGig, Pandemic, TriciaReillyKoch, DoroBushKoch, MentalHealth, Mentors, BehavioralHealth, Kids, Families, Hospitals, Trauma, PediatricDisease, HealingChildren, Optimism, Doctors, Nurses, HealthCare