Howard Weiner, MD - Navigating Multiple Sclerosis & Gut Health - Brigham and Women's Hospital
PodcastadminMultiple Sclerosis, MS, What is Life, Autoimmune Disease, Brigham and Women's Hospital, The Last Poker Game, Vitamin D3, MSrelapsing remitting, progressive MS, TYSABRI®, natalizumab, immune system, Crohn's disease, gut health, personalized medicine, winston churchill, microbiome, C-section, probiotics, hygiene hypothesis, Fire in the brain, Subways of the mind
Barbara Bush and Jenna Bush Hager - Sisters First: Balancing family and career and living a life of gratitude
PodcastadminGlobal Health Corps, PEPFAR, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, Uganda, the Lazarus Effect, Barbara Bush, Today Show, Hoda and Jenna, Teach for America, Wendy Kopp, Paul Farmer, Partners in Health, Mark Dybul, Maya Angelou, Mary Oliver, breath work, positivity, self motivation, perfect, perfectionism, When things fall apart, Tara Conklin, The History of Love, Toni Morrison, The Blueest Eye, The Dearly Beloved, Cara Wall
Tracy Freeman, MD - Is fatigue keeping you from your optimal life? The antidote is here.
Podcastadminholistic medicine, integrative medicine, mono, fatique, linuspauling, vitaminD, vitaminc, probiotics, bacteriamicrobial, digestiveenzymes, applecidervinegar, wholefoods, ashwagandha, emotionalfreedomtechnique, drweil, 478breathing, seratonin, jonkabatzinn, lymedisease, anemia
Florence Williams - Why (and How Much) Nature Makes Us Happier and Healthier - Author
PodcastadminScience of Awe, Pop Up Parks, Nature Deserts, biophilia, environmental health, nature, nature deficit disorder, national geographic, oscar wilde, shinrin-yoku forest therapy, shinrin-yoku, forest bathing, forest therapy trails, mindfulness, walking meditation, urban noise pollution, Zen garden movement, rumination, depression, million tree campaign, green walls, trust for public land
Antwone Fisher, teaches us how to turn imagination & forgiveness into a dream life.
Humility and Leadership: Find Out How to Sing the Song of Your Life
PodcastadminPlaced in This World, Hey Jude, Christian Music, Cassie Bernal, Littleton Colorado, Newsboys, Nashville, Christian Pop ROck, Billly Graham, Kindness, Humility, Music, Camp David, Kennebunkport
Clif Smith - How an employee led initiative turned into a full blown mindfulness program - Ernst and Young
Podcastadminmindfulness, earnstandyoung, jon Kabat-Zinn, EY, mindfulness based stress reduction, MBSR, Search Inside Yourself, Emotional Intelligence, Mark Coleman, The Potential Project, Bhagavad Gita, Dan Siegel, Sharon Salzberg
Travis Mills - The secret to flipping victimhood & pain into purpose & power in your life.
PodcastadminA soldiers story, Ketamine Coma, Walter Reed, Elizabeth Arden Estate, Self empowerment, Touch as they get, Recalibrated solider, Veteran, Saginaw, Flint, Myspace, Walter reed
Fr Bill Byrne - Talks about living in the now and how to tune into peace - Wash Archdiocese
Jim Nantz - Opens Up on His Extraordinary Memory & the Root of His Childhood Dream - CBS
Former President George W. Bush - A Window Into Family Life, Stress and Curiosity
Bob Roth - Why Transcendental Meditation Is Making a Comeback - David Lynch Foundation
Richie J. Davidson, PhD - The New Science Behind Mindfulness - Center for Healthy Minds
Rajshree Agarwal, PhD - Learn to be CEO of Your Life - Ed Snider Center for Enterprise & Markets
Doro Bush Koch - Guided Meditations, Mindfulness & Breath Work - BB&R Wellness Consulting
Congressman Tim Ryan - Mindfulness, Trauma Reduction & Social Emotional Learning in Schools
Kristen Coffield - Try These Kitchen Interventions for Big Impact - The Culinary Cure
Moninique Samuels - New Insights on Staving Off Stress - The Real Housewives of Potomac
Dr. William Stixrud & Ned Johnson - How to Raise Confident & Resilient Kids - Stixrud Group
Jim Gimian - How to Make Your Mindfulness Practice More Fluid - Mindful Magazine