Erik Moses - Team President of XFL DC Defenders Shares Journey To New Role, XFL vs. NFL and Importance of Mindfulness.
Podcastadminmindfulness, journaling, XFL, NFL, Football, Sports, Health Gig, Football Safety, Fan Engagement, Erik Moses, Tricia Reilly Koch, Doro Bush Koch, DC Defenders, Audi Field, Podcast
Zenka Caro - The Future is Better Than Ever, Hop In The Driver's Seat
Podcastadminblack mirror, white mirror, regenerative medicine, Metaverse Architecture, Social Architecture, Muse Headset, Peter Diamandis, spire health tracker, apple research kit, electromagnetic fields, biofield, Heartmath, heart rate variability, heart brain coherence, Extended Reality, Singularity University, X Prize, drones, gene splicing, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, zenka Caro, Doro Bush Koch, Tricia Reilly Koch, Emerging Technology, Crowd Creation Platforms, Human Flourishing, Frontier Technology, exponential change, exponential growth, human genome, win win, cognitive surplus, uber, mindfulness, meditation, brain wearable, integrative medicine, holistic medicine, complimentary medicine
Vinny Ferraro - Is Your Nervous System Hijacking your Life? - Mindfulness & Self Compassion Expert
PodcastadminWhat to Remember When Waking Like David White, Insight Meditation, Vinney Ferraro, Dharma Punx, Asanga, Mindful Schools, addiction, claustrophobia, the alchemy of presence, panic attacks, compassion, self-compassion, vipassanā, against the stream meditation, anxiety, mindfulness, Doro Bush Koch, Tricia Reilly Koch
Dr. Brandon Nappi - Is Presence the Root of Your Healing & Freedom - Copper Beech Institute
PodcastadminCopper Beech Institute, mindfulness, University of Notre Dam. Spirituality, stillness, Yale Divinity School, compassion, presence, Richard Rohr, John Kabbat Zinn, Viktor Frank, Richie Davidson Rene Brown, Rumi, sukkah, Peace Is Every Step, Thich Nha Hanh
Florence Williams - Why (and How Much) Nature Makes Us Happier and Healthier - Author
PodcastadminScience of Awe, Pop Up Parks, Nature Deserts, biophilia, environmental health, nature, nature deficit disorder, national geographic, oscar wilde, shinrin-yoku forest therapy, shinrin-yoku, forest bathing, forest therapy trails, mindfulness, walking meditation, urban noise pollution, Zen garden movement, rumination, depression, million tree campaign, green walls, trust for public land
Clif Smith - How an employee led initiative turned into a full blown mindfulness program - Ernst and Young
Podcastadminmindfulness, earnstandyoung, jon Kabat-Zinn, EY, mindfulness based stress reduction, MBSR, Search Inside Yourself, Emotional Intelligence, Mark Coleman, The Potential Project, Bhagavad Gita, Dan Siegel, Sharon Salzberg